10 dobrých důvodů pro pořízení AGV

Automatizované vozíky (AGV) a autonomní mobilní roboty (AMR) hrají zásadní roli v modernizaci logistických operací v průmyslových firmách. Tyto pokročilé robotické systémy jsou navrženy pro efektivní a flexibilní přepravu materiálů a produktů uvnitř skladu nebo výrobního závodu.
Jak vybrat AGV do výrobní firmy?

Výběr automaticky řízených vozíků (AGV) pro výrobní firmu je klíčové rozhodnutí, které může výrazně ovlivnit efektivitu a produktivitu provozu. Zde jsou hlavní faktory, na které byste se měli při výběru AGV zaměřit.
Automated vehicles maximise efficiency and savings at Greiner Packaging

Greiner Packaging's operation in Louka u Litvínova, where K1 technology is used to produce plastic packaging, especially cups for the food industry, has long focused on the automation of intralogistics and processes. One of the latest projects that has brought significant savings is the implementation of four fully autonomous Agilox trucks from 4IGV.
The Agilox autonomous handling vehicle is used in the DHL distribution centre in Syrovice

DHL's Syrovice operation has been using the first Agilox autonomous handling truck from 4IGV since March. Its implementation corresponds to DHL's strategy of automating intralogistics. The intelligently guided Agilox unattended vehicle transports the pallets from the receiving area to the warehouse racks, where they are picked up by the system trolley for further stacking. The automation of this activity has saved the company two warehouse workers who currently perform more complex, value-added tasks.
AGVs from 4IGV have been implemented in Datart's logistics centre

In the logistics centre DATART Jirny, which is operated by HP TRONIC Zlín, autonomous Agilox trucks from 4IGV are currently being put into operation. This system-controlled handling technology in the DC6 hall helps to increase efficiency and safety in the warehouse handling operations of various retailers belonging to HP TRONIC Zlín. Specifically, shipments are dispatched from this distribution centre to the DATART and ETA sales network.
Automated future

4IGV's goal is to help solve customer requirements for more sophisticated transport of goods in their internal logistics. Over the past few years, the company has pushed the boundaries in the logistics and manufacturing sector to the level of communication with artificial intelligence, as its CEO Marek Matovcik told us.
Petr Sodomka: "We are gradually jumping on the wave of automation in intralogistics"

Lean logistics has become a trend that manufacturing companies are trying to implement into their operations in an effort to save space. Automation is making significant inroads into intralogistics.